Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Hundred Years War History and Summary

The Hundred Years War History and Summary The Hundred Years War was a series of connected conflicts between England, the Valois kings of France, factions of French nobles and other allies over both claims to the French throne and control of land in France. It ran from 1337 to 1453; you’ve not misread that, it is actually longer than a hundred years; the name derived from nineteenth-century historians and has stuck. Context of the Hundred Years War: English Land in France Tensions between the English and French thrones over continental land dated to 1066 when William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England. His descendants in England had gained further lands in France by the reign of Henry II, who inherited the County of Anjou from his father and control of the Dukedom of Aquitaine through his wife. Tensions simmered between the growing power of the French kings and the great power of their most powerful, and in some eyes equal, English royal vassal, occasionally leading to armed conflict. King John of England lost Normandy, Anjou, and other lands in France in 1204, and his son was forced to sign the Treaty of Paris ceding this land. In return, he received Aquitaine and other territories to be held as a vassal of France. This was one king bowing to another, and there were further wars in 1294 and 1324 when Aquitaine was confiscated by France and won back by the English crown. As the profits from Aquitaine alone rivaled those of England, the region was important  and retained many differences from the rest of France. Origins of the Hundred Years War When Edward III of England came to blows with David Bruce of Scotland in the first half of the fourteenth century, France supported Bruce, raising tensions. These rose further as both Edward and Philip prepared for war, and Philip confiscated the Duchy of Aquitaine in May 1337 in order to try and reassert his control. This was the direct start of the Hundred Years War. But what changed this conflict from the disputes over French land earlier was Edward III’s reaction: in 1340 he claimed the throne of France for himself. He had a legitimate right claim- when Charles IV of France had died in 1328 he was childless, and the 15-year-old Edward was a potential heir through his mother’s side, but a French Assembly chose Philip of Valois- but historians don’t know whether he really meant to try for the throne or was just using it as a bargaining chip to either gain land or divide the French nobility. Probably the latter but, either way, he called himself the King of France. Alternate Views As well as a conflict between England and France, the Hundred Years War can also be viewed as a struggle in France between the crown and major nobles for control of key ports and trading areas and equally a struggle between the centralizing authority of the French crown and local laws and independencies. Both are another stage in the development of the collapsing feudal/tenurial relationship between the King-Duke of England and the French King, and the growing power of the French crown/tenurial relationship between the King-Duke of England and the French King, and the growing power of the French crown. Edward III, the Black Prince and English Victories Edward III pursued a twofold attack on France. He worked to gain allies among disaffected French nobles, causing them to break with the Valois kings, or supported these nobles against their rivals. In addition, Edward, his nobles, and later his son- dubbed The Black Prince- led several great armed raids aimed at plundering, terrorizing and destroying French land, in order to enrich themselves and undermine the Valois king. These raids were called chevauchà ©es. French raids on the British coast were dealt a blow by the English naval victory at Sluys. Although the French and English armies often kept their distance, there were set-piece battles, and England won two famous victories at Crecy (1346) and Poitiers (1356), the second capturing the Valois French King John. England had suddenly won a reputation for military success, and France was shocked. With France leaderless, with large parts in rebellion and the rest plagued by mercenary armies, Edward attempted to seize Paris and Rheims, perhaps for a royal coronation. He took neither  but brought the Dauphin- the name for the French heir to the throne - to the negotiating table. The Treaty of Brà ©tigny was signed in 1360 after further invasions: in return for dropping his claim on the throne. Edward won a large and independent Aquitaine, other land and a substantial sum of money. But complications in the text of this agreement allowed both sides to renew their claims later on. French Ascendance and a Pause Tensions rose again as England and France patronized opposing sides in a war for the Castilian crown. Debt from the conflict caused Britain to squeeze Aquitaine, whose nobles turned to France, who in turn confiscated Aquitaine again, and war erupted once more in 1369. The new Valois King of France, the intellectual Charles V, aided by an able guerrilla leader called Bertrand du Guesclin, reconquered much of the English gains while avoiding any large pitch battles with the attacking English forces. The Black Prince died in 1376, and Edward III in 1377, although the latter had been ineffectual in his last years. Even so, the English forces had managed to check the French gains and neither side sought a pitched battle; stalemate was reached. By 1380, the year both Charles V and du Guesclin died, both sides were growing tired of the conflict, and there were only sporadic raids interspersed by truces. England and France were both ruled by minors, and when Richard II of England came of age he reasserted himself over pro-war nobles (and a pro-war nation), suing for peace. Charles VI and his advisors also sought peace, and some went on crusade. Richard then became too tyrannical for his subjects and was deposed, while Charles went insane. French Division and Henry V In the early decades of the fifteenth-century tensions rose again, but this time between two noble houses in France - Burgundy and Orlà ©ans - over the right to govern on behalf of the mad king. This division led to civil war in 1407 after the head of Orlà ©ans was assassinated; the Orlà ©ans side became known as the Armagnacs after their new leader. After a misstep where a treaty was signed between the rebels and England, only for peace to break out in France when the English attacked, in 1415 a new English king seized the opportunity to intervene. This was Henry V, and his first campaign culminated in the most famous battle in English history: Agincourt. Critics might attack Henry for poor decisions which forced him to fight a larger pursing French force, but he won the battle. While this had little immediate effect on his plans for conquering France, the massive boost to his reputation allowed Henry to raise further funds for the war and made him a legend in British history. Henry returned again to France, this time aiming to take and hold land instead of carrying out chevauchà ©es; he soon had Normandy back under control. The Treaty of Troyes and an English King of France The struggles between the houses of Burgundy and Orlà ©ans continued, and even when a meeting was agreed to decide upon anti-English action, they fell out once more. This time John, Duke of Burgundy, was assassinated by one of the Dauphin’s party, and his heir allied with Henry, coming to terms in the Treaty of Troyes in 1420. Henry V of England would marry the daughter of the Valois King, become his heir and act as his regent. In return, England would continue the war against Orlà ©ans and their allies, which included the Dauphin. Decades later, a monk commenting upon the skull of Duke John said: â€Å"This is the hole through which the English entered France.† The Treaty was accepted in English and Burgundian held lands- largely the north of France- but not in the south, where the Valois heir to France was allied with the Orlà ©ans faction. However, in August 1422 Henry died, and the mad French King Charles VI followed soon after. Consequently, Henry’s nine-month-old son became king of both England and France, albeit with recognition largely in the north. Joan of Arc Henry VI’s regents won several victories as they readied for a push into the Orlà ©ans heartland, although their relationship with the Burgundians had grown fractious. By September 1428 they were besieging the town of Orlà ©ans itself, but they suffered a setback when the commanding Earl of Salisbury was killed observing the city. Then a new personality emerged: Joan of Arc. This peasant girl arrived at the Dauphin’s court claiming mystic voices had told her she was on a mission to free France from English forces. Her impact revitalized the moribund opposition, and they broke the siege around Orlà ©ans, defeated the English several times and were able to crown the Dauphin in Rheims cathedral. Joan was captured and executed by her enemies, but opposition in France now had a new king to rally around. After a few years of stalemate, they rallied around the new king when the Duke of Burgundy broke with the English in 1435. After the Congress of Arras, they recognized Charles VII as king. Many believe the Duke had decided England could never truly win France. French and Valois Victory The unification of Orlà ©ans and Burgundy under the Valois crown made an English victory all but impossible, but the war continued. The fighting was halted temporarily in 1444 with a truce and a marriage between Henry VI of England and a French princess. This, and the English government ceding Maine to achieve the truce caused an outcry in England. War soon began again when the English broke the truce. Charles VII had used the peace to reform the French army, and this new model made great advances against English lands on the continent and won the Battle of Formigny in 1450. By the end of 1453, after all, English land bar Calais had been retaken and feared English commander John Talbot had been killed at the Battle of Castillon, the war was effectively over.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Common Chemicals and Where to Find Them

Common Chemicals and Where to Find Them This is a list of common chemicals and where you can find them or how you can make them. Key Takeaways: Locate Common Chemicals Many ordinary household products consist of relatively pure elements and compounds.If you have trouble locating a chemical, check for both its common name and its chemical name. For example, table salt is sodium chloride and saltpeter is potassium nitrate.Read labels to see whether additional compounds have been added. Impurities can have a significant effect on projects. acetic acid (CH3COOH H2O)Weak acetic acid (~5%) is sold in grocery stores as white vinegar. acetone (CH3COCH3)Acetone is found in some nail polish removers and some paint removers. It may sometimes be found labelled as pure acetone. aluminum (Al)Aluminum foil (grocery store) is pure aluminum. So is the aluminum wire and aluminum sheeting sold at a hardware store. aluminum potassium sulfate (KAl(SO4)212H2O)This is alum that is sold at a grocery store. ammonia (NH3)Weak ammonia (~10%) is sold as a household cleaner. ammonium carbonate [(NH4)2CO3]Smelling salts (drug store) are ammonium carbonate. ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH)Ammonium hydroxide may be prepared by mixing household ammonia (sold as a cleaner) and strong ammonia (sold in some pharmacies) with water. ascorbic acid (C6H8O6)Ascorbic acid is vitamin C. It is sold as vitamin C tablets in the pharmacy. borax or sodium tetraborate (Na2B4O7 * 10H2O)Borax is sold in solid form as a laundry booster, all-purpose cleaner and sometimes as an insecticide. boric acid (H3BO3)Boric acid is sold in pure form as a powder for use as a disinfectant (pharmacy section) or insecticide. butane (C4H10)Butane is sold as lighter fluid. calcium carbonate (CaCO3)Limestone and calcite are calcium carbonate. Eggshells and seashells are calcium carbonate. calcium chloride (CaCl2)Calcium chloride can be found as a laundry booster or as a road salt or de-icing agent. If you are using the road salt, be sure it is pure calcium chloride and not a mixture of various salts. Calcium chloride is also the active ingredient in the moisture absorbing product DampRid. calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2)Calcium hydroxide is sold with garden supplies as slaked lime or garden lime to reduce soil acidity. calcium oxide (CaO)Calcium oxide is sold as quicklime at builder supply stores. calcium sulfate (CaSO4 * H2O)Calcium sulfate is sold as plaster of Paris in craft stores and building supply stores. carbon (C)Carbon black (amorphous carbon) can be obtained by collecting soot from the complete burning of wood. Graphite is found as pencil lead. Diamonds are pure carbon. carbon dioxide (CO2)Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide, which sublimates into carbon dioxide gas. Several chemical reactions evolve carbon dioxide gas, such as the reaction between vinegar and baking soda to form sodium acetate. copper (Cu)Uncoated copper wire (from a hardware store or electronics supply store) is extremely pure elemental copper. copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4) and copper sulfate pentahydrateCopper sulfate may be found in certain algicides (Bluestoneâ„ ¢) at pool supply stores and sometimes in garden products (Root Eaterâ„ ¢). Be sure to check the product label, since many different chemicals may be used as algicides. helium (He)Pure helium is sold as a gas. If you only need a little, simply purchase a helium-filled balloon. Otherwise, gas supplies usually carry this element. iron (Fe)Iron skillets are made of elemental iron. You can also pick up iron filings by running a magnet through most soils. lead (Pb)Elemental lead metal is found in lead fishing weights. magnesium sulfate (MgSO4 * 7H2O)Epsom salts, usually sold at a pharmacy, are magnesium sulfate. mercury (Hg)Mercury is used in some thermometers. It is more difficult to find than in the past, but many home thermostats still use mercury. naphthalene (C10H8)Some mothballs are pure naphthalene, though check the ingredients since others are made using (para)dichlorobenzene. propane (C3H8)Propane as sold as a gas barbecue and blow torch fuel. silicon dioxide (SiO2)Silicon dioxide is found as clean sand, which is sold at garden and building supply stores. Broken glass is another source of silicon dioxide. potassium chloridePotassium chloride is found as ​lite salt. sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)Sodium bicarbonate is baking soda, which is sold in grocery stores. sodium chloride (NaCl)Sodium chloride is sold as table salt. Look for the uniodized variety of salt. sodium hydroxide (NaOH)Sodium hydroxide is a strong base that may sometimes be found in solid drain cleaner. The pure chemical is waxy white solid, so if you see other colors in the product, expect that it contains impurities. sodium tetraborate decahydate or borax (Na2B4O7 * 10H2O)Borax is sold in solid form as a laundry booster, all-purpose cleaner and sometimes as an insecticide. sucrose or saccharose (C12H22O11)Sucrose is ordinary table sugar. White granulated sugar is your best bet. There are additives in confectioners sugar. If the sugar is not clear or white then it contains impurities. sulfuric acid (H2SO4)Car battery acid is about 40% sulfuric acid. The acid can be concentrated by boiling it, though it may be heavily contaminated with lead, depending on the state of the batterys charge when the acid was collected. zinc (Zn)Zinc blocks may be sold by some electronics supply stores for use as anode. Zinc sheets may be sold as roof flashing at some building supply stores.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Does Film In the U.S Influence People Perception of Chinese Annotated Bibliography

How Does Film In the U.S Influence People Perception of Chinese Culture - Annotated Bibliography Example In this research, the article â€Å"Remade In Hollywood† serves as the primary source. Kenneth Chan is an associate professor and a director of film studies in the Department of English at the University of Colorado. His area of interests includes the Chinese cinema, Asian American films, cultural studies and the various movie genres. He is also on the editorial board of Journal of Chinese Cinemas. This makes him a credible source of information. The theme of Wuxia which is being implemented in the American movies is not a clear portrayal of the culture and often falls far from the branch. This is the reason that although these movies have received various awards in Hollywood industry yet they have failed to get appreciation from the Chinese audience. The only possible reason behind this might be because the director created the movies by keeping the audience in mind and did not pay attention to the cultural details and the sensitivity of the genre of the movie. Wuxia genre is governed by certain rules and regulations which only a true Chinese might understand and hence most of these movies are criticized by the purists. The paper is written with a clear set of mind and explains as to how the Wuxia tradition is shown in various Hollywood movies. The popular movies which are based on the Wuxia theme also show a misrepresentation of the Chinese culture as if the movies were directed keeping the audience in mind and not thinking about the Chinese people. This certainly creates a misconception among the viewers of such movies. The Wuxia culture is more than just fights and combats and hence these movies should have been made with a bit more research on the themes. This paper will help to form a strong base regarding the research.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Oil Taxes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Oil Taxes - Essay Example Crude oil, as the raw material in the world market has effected changes that have affected the economic stability of countries. While price changes has its usual negative implications, adverse supply shocks unexpectedly has created a critical scenario in the reduced aggregate supply in the world oil market thereby increasing its prices. In the early 70's, OPEC's control and reduction of oil prices according to Mankiw(1998)1 has aroused the world oil price instantly that has resulted to double-digit inflation and high unemployment rates. The changing prices of crude oil have its usual implications on the economy that often results to a world oil crisis. At the moment, the world is witnessing a major oil crisis with the current war in Iraq and the ensuing conflict with the other large oil producing countries in the Middle East. It is startling to note that material changes in the price of oil can rapidly cascade to the whole economy thereby affecting the price structures of consumer go ods and services. The United States, as the highest consumer of the world's oil stands at the loosing end thereby carefully fielding studies to convince the Gulf and Europe to limit their cuts. Former US Energy Secretary Richardson2(2000)has suggested in a new measure to limit the drastic impact on world economic slowdown by discussing the relationship between the world oil price market and the heavy taxation imposed by the government of oil-producing countries on oil production. According to OPEC, the barrel of refined oil has been split in to three; crude oil price, industry margin and taxes. Governments who share the bulk of the profit are thereby enjoined to seriously observe their tax policies and exact measures to alleviate the prices of this main commodity. Mineral Taxation around the World The current moves to effective globalization aims to de-emphasize high tax rate, tie tax rate to additional profit or impose low but flat tax on all activities. Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Tunisia and Venezuela that have similar high tax rate do not share in production, while Qatar, Egypt, Yemen and Argentina that share in production have tax rate ranging from 0-40%.73 Most of these countries have done away with royalty while others have rates ranging from 1-12%, which is based on the sliding scale tied to production. Let us look into the different taxation measures imposed by Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, two minor oil producers who have every potential for economic gains and their implementation of tax reforms. As international capital flows are guided by the prevailing fiscal regimes, there is a need for achieving some degree of harmonization. In this context, it is important to know what types of taxes can be expected on the oil sector industry. The dual nature further imposed on oil and gas as a special character of the mineral sector on other countries has equated the dual role of the government leading to the dilemma of whether taxation should be different in the mining sector and general system in terms of rate structure and administration. Taxes of general application may not always be suitable for mineral companies involving higher capital intensity and long-gestation lags. Further, it is difficult to prejudge whether the exemption of the mineral companies from

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Relation to the Socio-Political Essay Example for Free

Relation to the Socio-Political Essay Comparison and Contrast of the General Tones of the Sumerian and Egyptian Hymns, in Relation to the Socio-Political and Geographic History of these Nations It is interesting to note that the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations both sprung up beside rivers: Egypt lies in the delta of the Nile while the Sumerian civilization was on the fertile Mesopotamia along the banks of Tigris and Euphrates. It is thus expected that both civilizations revere their river, and associate them with gods, because the rivers prove to be vital to their existence and a channel of life for them. These forces of nature are considered holy and addressed by prayers. Examples of such pleas can be found in both hymns â€Å"A Sumero-Akadian Prayer to Every God† and the â€Å"Hymn to the Nile. † In these prayers, however, we find very different attitudes of the early people towards their gods. In the Sumero-Akadian prayer we will read a tone of sorrow, grief and fear by a troubled soul over his offences with the gods. The introduction fearfully desire for peace with the divinity: â€Å"May the fury of my lords heart be quieted toward me. † Throughout the text we will also find out that the gods are not named, but is rather just sanctified as an existing being that may not be offended. This apparent fear of the divinity may be attributed to the structure of the Mesopotamian civilizations, where the land was divided into different city-states believed to be owned by a deity. The Sumerian state is therefore not a solid state, but is a conglomeration of small states. Consistent fear of invasion made them turn into the divine beings for protection and blessing. As a further note, in the Sumero-Akadian civilizations, the power of government is divided into two: the lugal took care of the military powers and the even more powerful ensi was the supreme religious leader who also controlled â€Å"economic and technological expertise† (Krejci and Krejcova, p. 31). It can therefore be seen that the fear of the gods was the way of the ensi to maintain political control over his dominions. Political and social structure in Egypt proved much different from the Sumerians. The whole of Egypt was controlled by only one ruler – the Pharaohs. This unity gave the Egyptians more control over their surroundings and their country. Early on, the Egyptians had a clear sense of identity (Kemp, p. 25). This control is best exemplified by their ability to time and control the flooding of the Nile. However, geographically, the Egyptians were not as lucky as the Sumerians, as they were surrounded by deserts. This made them consider the Nile as a gift from the gods, a means by which they would live. It is therefore not surprising that the â€Å"Hymn to the Nile† is a joyous song of praise. The overall theme of the hymn is perhaps best stated in the first lines: â€Å"Hail to thee, O Nile! Who manifests thyself over this land, and comes to give life to Egypt!† References Mircea Eliade `From Primitives to Zen`: A SUMERO-AKADIAN PRAYER Ancient History Sourcebook:Hymn to the Nile, c. 2100 BCE Jaroslav Krejci, Anna Krejcova (1990). Before the European Challenge: The Great Civilizations of Asia and the Middle East. SUNY Press. Barry J. Kemp (2006). Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization, 2nd Ed. Routledge

Friday, November 15, 2019

Invisible Man Essay: Self-Identity in Invisible Man -- Invisible Man E

Self-Identity in Invisible Man      Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel, Invisible Man, the main character carries around a briefcase throughout the entire story. All of the possessions that he carries in that briefcase are mementos from learning experiences. Throughout the novel, the Invisible Man is searching for his identity and later discovers that his identity is in those items. As the narrator is leaving Mary's house for the Brotherhood, he sees a Negro-doll bank in his room. He is angry that the doll is holding a sign that read, "Feed me." "For a second I stopped, feeling hate charging up within me, then dashed over and grabbed it, suddenly as enraged by the tolerance of lack of discrimination, or whatever, that allowed Mary to keep such a self-mocking image around" (Ellison 319). The shattering of the bank by the narrator symbolizes that he is rejecting the views of the "old Negro" and taking his own views on the subject. Part of his views is the conviction that colored people do not need to rely on whites for their survival. Often times one does not know his own viewpoint on a subject until he can reject one view. Another item that is stored in his briefcase is the broken chain link that Brother Tarp gave to him. "I neither wanted it nor knew what to do with it; although there was no question of keeping it if no other reason than that I felt that Brother Tarp's gesture in offering it was of some deeply felt significance which I was compelled to respect" (Ellison 389). Although the narrator does not want to keep the link, he feels compelled to do so because the chain gang is part of his heritage. One often feels that he can not ignore to his past, as does the Invisible Man. Even at the end of the novel when he is b... ... part of his true identity. Works Cited   Bone, Robert.   "Ralph Ellison and the Uses of Imagination."   Modern Black Novelists: A Collection of Critical Essays.   Ed. M. G. Cooke.   Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1971.   45-63. Brennan, Timothy.   "Ellison and Ellison: The Solipsism of Invisible Man."   CLA Journal XXV (Dec 1981): 162-81. Ellison, Ralph.   Invisible Man.   New York: The Modern Library, 1994. Holland, Laurence B.   "Ellison in Black and White: Confession, Violence and Klein, Marcus.   "Ralph Ellison."   After Alienation: American Novels in Mid-Century.   Cleveland: World Pub., 1964.   71-146. Langman, F.H.   "Reconsidering Invisible Man."   The Critical Review.   18 (1976) 114-27. Lieber, Todd M.   "Ralph Ellison and the Metaphor of Invisibility in Black Literary Tradition."   American Quarterly.   Mar. 1972: 86-100.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Leadership and Change

The element of change remains a factor in everyday life within the organization. How to handle change begins with a decision to embrace the implications into an organization's vision. Incorporating change and a healthy attitude toward change as a core value begins with leadership. A good leader like John Welch provides vision and clarity for the employee. He even instills inspiration in the employee allowing them the freedom to explore and create out of their every day job tasks. Such a leader will be able to communicate issues of change and create a bond with their team. This creates a comfort level that allows for creative thinking resulting in an environment that easily accepts change as a factor. This connection begins at a fundamental level of human sociology where the use of story is central. Howard Gardner reflects, â€Å"the ultimate impact of the leader depends most significantly on the particular story that he or she relates or embodies, and the receptions to that story on the part of the audiences† (14). By telling stories, allows for a certain level of openness or vulnerability on the part of the leader and makes them human. By opening the line of communication, gives the employee knowledge of their environment and develops trust. The leader's role is to sell the idea of commitment within a culture. Odiorne suggests, â€Å"if employees knows what is expected, and what help and resources are available, they can then be relied upon to govern their actions to achieve the commitments they have made† (138). This sets the stage for goals and achieving high performance. The culture in turn feeds off this energy and excitement. There are three reasons why leaders are important. First they are responsible for the effectiveness of organizations. Second, the change and upheaval of past years has left us with no place to hide. We need anchors in our lives as a guiding purpose. Third, there is a national concern about integrity of our institutions. Being mindful of own context is difficult for us. (15-16) Managers with a keen understanding of leading represent these three key attributes and create a foundation from which to act. A leader must also display curiosity and have the guts to be daring. They must be a dominant force within the team. Bennis reflects, there are two kinds of people â€Å"those who are paralyzed by fear, and those who are afraid but go ahead away. Life is not about limitation but options† (185). A healthy culture inspires options and the innovations that grow out of creativity. Still one cannot ignore times of fear. Management sometimes creates fear on purpose or misuse to work employees harder. From personal experience, fear can drive an employee to try harder at a better job or completely kill worker confidence. This does not create positive outcomes but promotes conflict and an unstable team. It is clear for management to be successful, it must communicate its vision but also create positive reinforcement. Once key members understand people's needs, then action can be taken to improve management's role. Only then will a leader be taken seriously. Recognizing positive traits in a team member builds trust, integrity and also meets an important need. Finally, there are many things a leader can do to motivate their team members and inspire excellence. From personal experience there are many recommendations that come to mind. At a company wide level, a recognition or awards program is effective in maintaining culture by motivating employees. Being noticed for a job well done instills pride.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards: Lesson Plan Websites Essay

The standard to the second grade number sense lesson plan website on fractions was supported in many ways. The learning objective geared the teacher and student to know what was expected of the students. The standard was also matched up by the assessment of the lesson. The value of student discussions to help form meaning through operations in mathematics is present in the standards in this website. Methodology of Number Sense The methodology of number sense is used to expand the knowledge of numbers in diverse ways. By showing how fractions relate to the real world in measurements build on extensible and natural concepts of numbers that are wished for. In this fraction lesson plan the teacher in her presentation showed students shapes that were divided into four parts. This helped show concrete examples of part-whole comparisons in a lesson built around good number sense. Also, in the teacher’s presentation she used tiles and asked the students to pretend that they were cookies that she wanted to share with her neighbors and her family. The teacher asked the students how many groups they will need to share these cookies. Fractions are a result of the relationship of numbers being broadened and explored. Mathematical Operations The mathematical operation that was used in the activities of this lesson plan was division. In using division of equal parts in this lesson plan students can learn effectively to use this operation in the world of sharing their pieces of cookies with neighbors and family. By using division it helps connect interpretation of dividing cookies into four equal parts by using fractions. Students will build on their understanding of the division  operation and develop their extra ideas about thinking about basic fact connections. By performing fraction problems, students use the multiplicative process in which numerators and denominators are divided. By dividing into fair shares as this lesson plan instructed students to do show that fractions are also examples of ratios. Grade Level This lesson plan uses fractions and are directed for second graders. The objectives listed in this lesson plan are directed to the second grade level. Also, the activities and assessment are geared to the second grade level. Division operations as stated in the standards may vary many as three grade levels. (Van de Walle, et al. 2010). Differentiated Instruction Differentiated instruction is evident by using cooperative group practice. Cooperative group work helps English Language Learners by learning from their other peers in their group. By preparing these groups with diverse students will be beneficial to English Language learners. Students are also provided differentiated instruction in the presentation part of the lesson plan. Students with learning disability were provided a visual idea by dividing a cookie into four parts to show how fractions are divided. These students will also have differentiated instruction by being placed in cooperative learning groups as well. ( Understanding Mathematics A good math lesson plan uses a framework for the content of the operations and structure for each math instruction and practice. Teachers use lesson plans as guides to teach, review and practice math concepts. The fraction lesson plan uses concepts that can be used in real life situations. Students though their practice allows for teachers to use formative assessment of their tasks. Activities Classroom activities improve student’s achievement by modeling the act of performing mathematics in the real world. Fractions imitate dividing parts to share amongst people. Activities performing these strategies mimic how real world situations can be accomplished. Manipulative Tiles and cards were used as manipulative in this fraction lesson plan. Tiles were used to divide parts to make fractions. Tiles were representing cookie pieces to divide between four family members. Lesson Plan 2 Standards In the Lesson Plan library of problem-solving math support the standard through the objectives and procedures. The lesson plans in the Lesson Plan library uses objectives that match the standards specifically in the way that the students will learn why numbers are an important part of everyday life. It also tells that students will use examples. The procedures also state how numbers are used in everyday lives. Students also will show examples around the classroom of basic numbers. The evaluation also supports the standard through the objectives and goals that are to be met. Methodology of Number Sense The methodology of number sense is used to expand the knowledge of numbers in different forms. By showing how numbers can be used in many ways it relates to the real world by time, measurements, and representing a group. Students expand their previous knowledge of basic numbers, Mathematical Operations The operation of understanding the representation of numbers is what the lesson was about. Students are to reflect on numbers and their meaning behind them. The operation of numbers expands as the student’s perception develops. Also the addition operation matches counting words with items such as group of objects. Grade Level The grade level for the Lesson Plan Library is for Kindergarten through fifth grade. The standards and the objectives used in the Lesson Plan Library are for Kindergarten through fifth grade. The evaluations used in this particular lesson website are also for the same grade level of kindergarten through five. Differentiated Instruction Students that are gifted can write a sentence or two to their drawing of the  diagram. Students can explain in their sentence or two an explanation of the diagram. Students that are gifted need to be challenged and this is a great way to do it. Understanding of Mathematics The Lesson Library shows uses of numbers. The lesson plans are important to have as a guide to follow to instruct students on knowledge they need to learn and to be assessed on in a daily plan. It also shows how numbers are important and why. It is important to understand the meaning of numbers to relate it to the everyday world. Building on the meaning of numbers helps progress to the new level of knowledge. Activities within Lesson Plan Classroom activities improve student’s achievement by showing the importance of numbers in everyday lives. Students demonstrate how numbers are important to life. Modeling important facts with regards to numbers builds on the concepts of numbers. Manipulative Used Manipulative were not used but visuals were. Manipulative would be integrated by allowing the students to use clocks as an example of how numbers are used in time. Also, using cards with numbers on them would be another use for manipulative. Lesson Plan Three Standards The lesson plans on this website supports the standards by using numbers and operations in the learning objectives and the procedures. The assessment also supports the learning objectives and standards by assessing the student’s learned material of the lesson plan. The standard is aligned with the end goal of the objective. Methodology of Number Sense This lesson plan uses methodology of number sense by relating word problems to real life situations. Students through these lesson plans use addition, subtraction, multiplication and simple fractions to build on prior to their word problems involving money. Students use their previous knowledge of addition and subtraction concepts to build on their money world problems. Mathematical Operations The addition, subtraction and multiplication operations are used in these lesson plans. Students relate these operations to real life situations using money concepts. Students start with previous knowledge of addition and subtraction to build on to use multiplication operation. Grade Levels The Discovery Education lesson plan website base their lesson plan off of kindergarten through 5th grade. The lesson plan aligns with the age group through the procedures and assessments. Students’ grade level aligns with the standards as well. Differentiated Instruction The Discovery Education lesson plan uses cooperative groups for differentiated instructions. Students with diverse needs benefit from group learning. Teachers would benefit from picking out these groups ahead of the task assigned. Understanding Mathematics These lesson plans are important for students understanding of mathematics because they are a teacher’s guide to instruct students. These lessons have particular concepts and operations that need to relate to everyday life. Lesson plans are a framework that helps guide the specific instruction. (Van de Walle, et al. 2010). Student Achievement Students can benefit from the activities in their lesson plan by learning how time and money relate to their daily lives. Students will be using activities that relate to the time it takes to go to the store. The activities also improve student achievement by teaching how money relates to everyday life. Manipulative The manipulative used in the lesson plan was a clock. Play money was also used as a manipulative in the lesson plan. Students use manipulatives as concrete examples to relate to real life concepts. Lesson Four Standards The lesson plan from the Discovery Lesson supports the standard by using the objectives to help meet the end goal of the lesson plan. The lesson plan also provides the assessment to align with the standards. The tasks are also aligned to support the standard and follow through until the end. Methodology of Number Sense The methodology of number sense is used in this Discovery lesson on measurements by relating to the measurements of items in real life. Students build on their previous knowledge to construct the new knowledge. Using real life measurements brings to life the real concepts used in everyday life. Mathematical Operations The mathematical operations used in the activities in the lesson plan are addition of measurements. These measurement activities are used in everyday life. The activities consist of measuring books and things in the classroom. Grade Levels The grade level for this lesson website is sixth through eighth grade. Measurements for this grade level align with the standards. The grade level for measurements also meet with the assessments. Differentiated Instruction The gifted/talented students had differentiated instruction evident in this lesson plan. They had more challenging measurements to take of items. They also had an added part to formulate questions relating to the length, width and depth measurements. Student Understanding These lesson plans are important in understanding mathematics because the concepts are needed for everyday life. Students need to make themselves aware that measurements are needed in recipes, weight and height of objects. This concept is relative to many parts of life. Student Achievement The activities on measurements can improve student achievement by understanding why items need to be measured. This concept will be learned by students and students will achieve greatly if they relate these measurements to real life situations. In the long run students will benefit by knowing how and when to use measurements in their everyday lives. Manipulative Measuring sticks were used for a manipulative in measuring items. Items such as books and boxes were also used in measuring. These items are helpful in learning about real life situations. . References Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, Seventh Edition, by John A. Van de Walle, Karen S. Karp, and Jennifer M. Bay-Williams. Published by Allyn & Bacon. Copyright  © 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc,OR(

Friday, November 8, 2019

WEB DuBois Presented Objectively essays

WEB DuBois Presented Objectively essays W.E. B. DuBois Presented Objectively William Edward Burghardt DuBois was an intellectual "Jack of All Trades." DuBois was a scholar , activist, writer, and an international diplomat. During his time, he was at least involved in if not in the forefront of every movement advocating equal rights for African Americans. DuBois provided the impetus for numerous organizations and periodicals. Dubois dedicated a part of himself to numerous worthy causes, but that same generosity had a detrimental effect on the out come of his efforts. As a result of distributing his efforts amongst many worthy causes, DuBois rarely followed his individual dreams to complete fruition. Although DuBois may not have taken every step he could, he went farther than many people will ever go to better the lives of their people. DuBois made monumental contributions to history, politics, and to lives of African Americans that have been paralleled by few and eclipsed by none. DuBois discovered his purpose in life at the early age of twenty. Dubois was , he said "determined to make a scientific conquest of my environment , which would render the emancipation of the Negro race easier and quicker" (Stafford 35) . After discovering his purpose DuBois made a promise to himself and decided that he was devoting himself "toward a life that shall be an honor to the race " (Stafford 35 ). The first obstacle DuBois encountered was gaining support from his own people. At the beginning of the twentieth century , Americas most prominent Black leader was Booker T. Washington. Washington believed that "Blacks should delay their campaign for political , social , and intellectual equality and concentrate chiefly on making economic gains " ( 13 ). In contrast , DuBois thought Washington " perpetuated the view that blacks were an inferior people " ( 14 ) .Most people live their lives conforming to societys standards . "DuBois was a part of an elite group of Black...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Aviator Amelia Earhart

Biography of Aviator Amelia Earhart Amelia Earhart the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and the first person to make a solo flight across both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans.  Earhart also set several height and speed records in an airplane. Despite all these records, Amelia Earhart is perhaps best remembered for her mysterious disappearance, which has become one of the enduring mysteries of the 20th century. While attempting to become the first woman to fly around the world, she disappeared on July 2, 1937, while heading toward Howlands Island. Dates: July 24, 1897 July 2, 1937(?) Also Known As: Amelia Mary Earhart, Lady Lindy Amelia Earhart’s Childhood Amelia Mary Earhart was born in her maternal grandparents’ home in Atchison, Kansas, on July 24, 1897 to Amy and Edwin Earhart. Although Edwin was a lawyer, he never earned the approval of Amy’s parents, Judge Alfred Otis and his wife, Amelia. In 1899, two-and-a-half years after Amelia’s birth, Edwin and Amy welcomed another daughter, Grace Muriel. Amelia Earhart spent much of her early childhood living with her Otis grandparents in Atchison during the school months and then spending her summers with her parents. Earhart’s early life was filled with outdoor adventures combined with the etiquette lessons expected of upper-middle-class girls of her day. Amelia (known as â€Å"Millie† in her youth) and her sister Grace Muriel (known as â€Å"Pidge†) loved to play together, especially outdoors. After visiting the World’s Fair in St. Louis in 1904, Amelia decided she wanted to build her own mini roller coaster in her backyard. Enlisting Pidge to help, the two built a homemade roller coaster on the roof of the tool shed, using planks, a wooden box, and lard for grease. Amelia took the first ride, which ended with a crash and some bruises – but she loved it. By 1908, Edwin Earhart had closed his private law firm and was working as a lawyer for a railroad in Des Moines, Iowa; thus, it was time for Amelia to move back in with her parents. That same year, her parents took her to the Iowa State Fair where 10-year-old Amelia saw an airplane for the very first time. Surprisingly, it didn’t interest her. Problems at Home At first, life in Des Moines seemed to be going well for the Earhart family; however, it soon became obvious that Edwin had started to drink heavily. When his alcoholism got worse, Edwin eventually lost his job in Iowa and had trouble finding another. In 1915, with the promise of a job with the Great Northern Railway in St. Paul, Minnesota, the Earhart family packed up and moved. However, the job fell through once they got there. Tired of her husband’s alcoholism and the family’s increasing money troubles, Amy Earhart moved herself and her daughters to Chicago, leaving their father behind in Minnesota. Edwin and Amy eventually divorced in 1924. Due to her family’s frequent moves, Amelia Earhart switched high schools six times, making it hard for her to make or keep friends during her teen years. She did well in her classes  but preferred sports. She graduated from Chicago’s Hyde Park High School in 1916 and is listed in the school’s yearbook as â€Å"the girl in brown who walks alone.† Later in life, however, she was known for her friendly and outgoing nature. After high school, Earhart went to the Ogontz School in Philadelphia, but she soon dropped out to become a nurse for returning World War I soldiers and for victims of the influenza epidemic of 1918. First Flights It wasn’t until 1920, when Earhart was 23 years old, that she developed an interest in airplanes. While visiting her father in California she attended an air show and the stunt-flying feats she watched convinced her that she had to try flying for herself. Earhart took her first flying lesson on January 3, 1921. According to her instructors, Earhart wasn’t a â€Å"natural† at piloting an airplane; instead, she made up for a lack of talent with plenty of hard work and passion. Earhart received her â€Å"Aviator Pilot† certification from the Federation Aeronautique Internationale on May 16, 1921 a major step for any pilot at the time. Since her parents could not afford to pay for her lessons, Earhart worked several jobs to raise the money herself. She also saved up the money to buy her own airplane, a small Kinner Airster she called the Canary. In the Canary, she broke the women’s altitude record on October 22, 1922, by becoming the first woman to reach 14,000 feet in an airplane. The First Woman to Fly Over the Atlantic In 1927, aviator Charles Lindbergh made history by becoming the first person to fly non-stop across the Atlantic, from the U.S. to England. A year later, Amelia Earhart was asked to make a non-stop flight across the same ocean. She had been discovered by publisher George Putnam, who had been asked to look for a female pilot to complete this feat. Since this was not to be a solo flight, Earhart joined a crew of two other aviators, both men. On June 17, 1928, the journey began when the Friendship, a Fokker F7 specially outfitted for the trip, took off from Newfoundland bound for England. Ice and fog made the trip difficult and Earhart spent much of the flight scribbling notes in a journal while her co-pilots, Bill Stultz and Louis Gordon, handled the plane. 20 Hours and 40 Minutes in the Air On June 18, 1928, after 20 hours and 40 minutes in the air, the Friendship landed in South Wales. Although Earhart said she did not contribute any more to the flight than â€Å"a sack of potatoes† would have, the press saw her accomplishment differently. They started calling Earhart â€Å"Lady Lindy,† after Charles Lindbergh. Shortly after this trip, Earhart published a book about her experiences, titled 20 Hours 40 Minutes. Before long Amelia Earhart was looking for new records to break in her own airplane. A few months after publishing 20 Hours 40 Minutes, she flew solo across the United States and back the first time a female pilot had made the journey alone. In 1929, she founded and participated in the Woman’s Air Derby, an airplane race from Santa Monica, California to Cleveland, Ohio with a substantial cash prize. Flying a more powerful Lockheed Vega, Earhart finished third, behind noted pilots Louise Thaden and Gladys O’Donnell. On February 7, 1931, Earhart married George Putnam. She also banded together with other female aviators to start a professional international organization for female pilots. Earhart was the first president. The Ninety-Niners, named because it originally had 99 members, still represents and supports female pilots today. Earhart published a second book about her accomplishments, The Fun of It, in 1932. Solo Across the Ocean Having won multiple competitions, flown in air shows, and set new altitude records, Earhart began looking for a bigger challenge. In 1932, she decided to become the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. On May 20, 1932, she took off again from Newfoundland, piloting a small Lockheed Vega. It was a dangerous trip: clouds and fog made it difficult to navigate, her plane’s wings became covered with ice, and the plane developed a fuel leak about two-thirds of the way across the ocean. Worse, the altimeter stopped working, so Earhart had no idea how far above the ocean’s surface her plane was a situation that nearly resulted in her crashing into the Atlantic Ocean. Touched Down in a Sheep Pasture in Ireland In serious danger, Earhart abandoned her plans to land at Southampton, England, and made for the first bit of land she saw. She touched down in a sheep pasture in Ireland on May 21, 1932, becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic and the first-ever person to fly across the Atlantic twice. The solo Atlantic crossing was followed by more book deals, meetings with heads of state, and a lecture tour, as well as more flying competitions. In 1935, Earhart also made a solo flight from Hawaii to Oakland, California, becoming the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland. This trip also made Earhart the first person to fly solo across both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Her Last Flight Not long after making her Pacific flight in 1935, Amelia Earhart decided she wanted to try flying around the entire world. A U.S. Army Air Force crew had made the trip in 1924 and male aviator Wiley Post flew around the world by himself in 1931 and 1933. Two New Goals But Earhart had two new goals. First, she wanted to be the first woman to fly solo around the world. Second, she wanted to fly around the world at or near the equator, the planet’s widest point: the previous flights had both circled the world much closer to the North Pole, where the distance was shortest. Planning and preparation for the trip were difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. Her plane, a Lockheed Electra, had to be completely re-fitted with additional fuel tanks, survival gear, scientific instruments, and a state-of-the-art radio. A 1936 test flight ended in a crash that destroyed the plane’s landing gear. Several months passed while the plane was fixed. The Most Difficult Point in the Trip Meanwhile, Earhart and her navigator, Frank Noonan, plotted their course around the world. The most difficult point in the trip would be the flight from Papua New Guinea to Hawaii because it required a fuel stop at Howland’s Island, a small coral island about 1,700 miles west of Hawaii. Aviation maps were poor at the time and the island would be difficult to find from the air. However, the stop at Howland’s Island was unavoidable because the plane could only carry about half the fuel needed to fly from Papua New Guinea to Hawaii, making a fuel stop essential if Earhart and Noonan were to make it across the South Pacific. As difficult as it might be to find, Howland’s Island seemed like the best choice for a stop since it is positioned approximately halfway between Papua New Guinea and Hawaii. Once their course had been plotted and their plane readied, it was time for the final details. It was during this last minute preparation that Earhart decided not to take the full-sized radio antenna that Lockheed recommended, instead opting for a smaller antenna. The new antenna was lighter, but it also could not transmit or receive signals as well, especially in bad weather. The First Leg of Their Trip On May 21, 1937, Amelia Earhart and Frank Noonan took off from Oakland, California, on the first leg of their trip. The plane landed first in Puerto Rico and then in several other locations in the Caribbean before heading to Senegal. They crossed Africa, stopping several times for fuel and supplies, then went on to Eritrea, India, Burma, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. There, Earhart and Noonan prepared for the toughest stretch of the trip the landing at Howland’s Island. Since every pound in the plane meant more fuel used, Earhart removed every non-essential item even the parachutes. The plane was checked and re-checked by mechanics to ensure it was in top condition. However, Earhart and Noonan had been flying for over a month straight by this time and both were tired. Left Papua New Guinea Heading Toward Howland’s Island On July 2, 1937, Earhart’s plane left Papua New Guinea heading toward Howland’s Island. For the first seven hours, Earhart and Noonan stayed in radio contact with the airstrip in Papua New Guinea. After that, they made intermittent radio contact with the U.S.S. Itsaca, a Coast Guard ship patrolling the waters below. However, the reception was poor and messages between the plane and the Itsaca were frequently lost or garbled. The Plane Did Not Appear Two hours after Earhart’s scheduled arrival at Howland’s Island, at about 10:30 a.m. local time on July 2, 1937, the Itsaca received a last static-filled message that indicated Earhart and Noonan could not see the ship or the island and they were almost out of fuel. The crew of the Itsaca tried to signal the ship’s location by sending up black smoke, but the plane did not appear. Neither the plane, Earhart, nor Noonan were ever seen or heard from again. The Mystery Continues The mystery of what happened to Earhart, Noonan, and the plane has not yet been solved. In 1999, British archaeologists claimed to have found artifacts on a small island in the South Pacific that contained Earhart’s DNA, but the evidence is not conclusive. Near the plane’s last known location, the ocean reaches depths of 16,000 feet, well below the range of today’s deep-sea diving equipment. If the plane sank into those depths, it may never be recovered.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sex Education in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sex Education in Schools - Essay Example This paper declares that  sexuality in children is a complex issue that Sigmund Freud has divided into five stages known as sexual development. The five steps include oral phase, the anal stage also known as bowel, and bladder elimination, a phallic stage that is the discovery of genitals, latency stage which the dormant sexual feelings. The final phase is the genital stage that occurs at maturity of sexuality.   He argues that during every stage of sexual growth, children acquire the vital development to become an adaptive adult. Freud theorized explanations for numerous repressed feelings, and desires, yet also assist in developing strong gender roles. During that time, the boys begin to develop intense anxiety, which is similar to girls.From the discussion it is clear that  sex education in school is vital in that the teenagers will get to know how sexually transmitted diseases are acquired, the issues of contraception, abstinence. If they are not going to learn them in scho ol where better would they learn about it? From media?Or friends?Or do we want them to learn sex education from the responsible adults? When we leave our children in the hands of the media or friend to give them sex education, we may be initiating our   problems. Some of the friends or media are deceitful.  They can mislead the young children to their advantage. Moreover, some friend may take advantage of the innocence of the child and abuse the roles they are expected to play. If we cannot trust our schools with such matters then, who can be trusted with our children?

Friday, November 1, 2019

Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Interview - Essay Example My uncle reckons that this was the year that Ronald Reagan became the President of U.S after defeating Jimmy Carter in a landslide victory. According to him, this set tone to the famous â€Å"Reagan Revolution† (The White House Web) that marked the end of distress and humiliation in America. Indeed, he recalls that life was so tough that at twenty-one years, he did not have a car neither was he married. As a result, he states that he was using the train and bicycles to shop, attend school, and search for a part-time job. This actually relates to my life today where I also do not have a car nor am I married despite having a part-time job. He quotes that many Americans at his age were economically and socially unstable in 1981. He laments that the fact that the economy was crippling and unemployment was significantly high in America in 1981 led to this situation. However, this was to change in the â€Å"Reagan Revolution.† Indeed, the levels of employment are significantl y better today than they were in 1981 when Mr Haskins was aged 21 years. In fact, the level of unemployment fell to a 7.7 percentage this year that reflects economic stability in the US (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Indeed, he reckons that Reagan was fundamental in restoring the Americans’ pride and confidence in facing the future. To him, this year marked a political shift in American, as a massive number of Americans became converts to the conservative political ideology adopted by Reagan. In the same manner, the political ideology adopted by President Obama during his swearing-in to serve his second term, derives a lot of confidence to most Americans today. Actually, the promises made by Reagan to fix the economy and safeguard America from its enemies, encouraged Americans to face the future. This promise relates to the one made by President Obama this year. Nevertheless, Mr Haskins claims that the planned President Reagan assassination on March 30 1981 almost shut th e new American spirit. However, Mr Haskins reckons that the survival of the President from this unfortunate event in American history was the turning point in modern American history. According to him, this event seemingly washed away all the negativity in America. In contrast, there has been political stability in US this year and Americans feel safer and well governed. In the same year, the laws of equality came to life in America when Reagan nominated Judge Sandra Day O'Connor as the first woman Chief Justice in the US Supreme Court (The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Web). This equally nourished the spirits of many Americans and magnified the image of US in the world of democracy. This trend has continued over the years and today we have more respect to human rights and equality in US. Indeed, we have had more females serving the Americans in higher government levels. Specifically, we have Hillary Clinton who retired this year as the Secretary of State (United S tates Department of State Web). Unfortunately, the Air controllers’ strike on American soil disrupted flights in 1981 thus increasing Mr Haskins worries and fears. However, this year has seen Americans enjoy heightened security and they feel more secure in U.S. At the same time, my uncle claims that US government brought new disability eligibility rules thus affecting my grandfather who consequently lost his